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family holiday

family days in the emountains

Holiday in Pfunds for the whole family.

Our Berghof is not a classic family hotel.
But a hotel where the whole family feels comfortable. Cozy family rooms, a chef who knows what kids like to eat and lots to explore around the Berghof.
Familie in der Tschey
Abenteuerrucksack im Berghof
Abenteuerrucksack zum Ausleihen
Idylle in der Tschey
Spiel & Spaß in der Tschey
Erholung für die ganze Familie
Hier darf geschlemmt werden...
Action beim Bogenschießen

Berg(hof) family experience

Our Berghof has been a certified member of the Tyrolean family nests since 2016 - we are very proud of our premium award. The following criteria must be met, among others:
  • traffic safe location
  • generous family double rooms
  • cuddly children's bed linen for happy dreams
  • socket fuse & free babyphones
  • stool and counter space in the bathrooms
  • cot and baby beds
  • high chairs, children's menu, painting sets
  • childrens gift on arrival or departure
  • ....
Kuschelige Kinderbetten
Abenteuer am Bach
Der Berghof-Abenteuer-Rucksack
Rucksack für Kids mit Fernglas usw.
Naturerlebnis für die ganze Familie
Endlich Urlaub! Endlich Berghof!
Süßes Eis auf der Berghof-Terrasse

Kids Program & Youth program

In and around Pfunds you will find numerous adventure places to experience real adventures! For example, the Waldlehr- & Erlebnisplatz Ochsenbühel is right on the way to our Berghof ...
A separate children's and youth program takes place in Pfunds from Monday to Friday. We are happy to drive your children to the starting point in the village. The mascot of the Bibi Biber region is experiencing the most exciting adventures!
This summer he will be accompanied by Henne Hanna - curious what the two experience for adventure ...?  Click here for the story of Henne Hanna! Here you will find the current family & children's program from the summer of 2018. The highlights of the new children's program are: Rudi.Rucksack.Wassertag,
Robin.Hood day, Adventurous knight day in Altfinstermünz, graffiti workshop, Henne.Hanna Archery in the Pfunds 3D archery course, stand-up paddling on the lake, night hike through Pfunds ... and much more. Get the free adventure pass with us at the reception - if you have inquired about several playgrounds, you will get a little surprise.
Adventure courses in and around Pfunds - see here! Brand new this year is the Berghof Adventure Backpack! You can borrow them during your stay with us - discover great things with the glass loupe, landing net, binoculars, and much more.


Happy Family Days im Berghof

  • 7 oder 14 Übernachtungen im gemütlichen Familien-Zimmer mit Terrasse, Balkon und bester Aussicht

  • Reichhaltiges Frühstücksbuffet - Vital -Regional und Nutella

  • Abendessen mit 4-Gang-Wahlmenü (Kindermenüs)

  • Abenteuerrucksäcke mit vielen Überaschungen stehen am Zimmer bereit

  • Wanderungen und Erlebnistouren zu den schönsten, lustigsten Plätzen (Unser Paul und Sofia sind die Wanderführer)

  • die unberührte und echte Natur vor der Haustüre

    € 455,-- pro Person für die Eltern. (Neu ab Sommer Kinderzimmer neben dem Elternzimmer)

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Partnerbetrieb Familiennester
Kinder- & Jugendprogramm
Unser Familienangebot
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